What Makes a Good Talent Management System

Posted by: waadmin
Category: eLearning
What Makes a Good Talent Management System

A talent management strategy should be supported by a great talent management system. There are many talent management systems available, but what actually makes a good one? Implementing a new talent management system requires significant resources, which means you don’t want to choose the wrong solution. Let’s have a look at some of the criteria you should look at when choosing a good talent management system.

User Friendliness

As with the implementation of any new software system, if the system is not easy to use, people will resist using it. No one likes to spend significant amounts of their valuable time learning to use a new system. A good talent management system – or indeed any learning management system – should have a great user experience, requiring minimal training to be able to be used effectively by employees.

However, don’t make the mistake of opting for the a simple, beautifully designed system that has extremely limited functionality. Simplicity is great, but if the solution lacks half of the functionality you actually need to support your talent strategy, your ROI will be very low, if not negative.

Great Security

Keeping your data secure is very important. Make sure that the solutions you are considering offer the level of security that you require. Have your IT department carefully scrutinize how secured your data will be stored.


Operating in an ever changing business environment, it is important that your organisation’s IT solutions are flexible. You should be able to adapt your software solution to changes in HR processes and not have to change your processes to fit the system. You also want to avoid any custom workarounds as much as possible because these will make the system much more difficult and costly to maintain.
Carefully research the flexibility that the different solutions you are looking at offer so you don’t get stuck with an outdated, unused system after a few years.

Implementation Time

The faster a new system can be implemented, the lower the implementation costs will be and the faster you will be able to achieve a return on investment. Implementation time depends largely on the complexity and user-friendliness of the system as well as the degree of customization that is needed.

Regulatory Compliance

This one is especially important if you’re an international company. You have to make sure that the talent management system you choose can be configured to help your HR department adhere to local legislation.

Implementing a new talent management system can be a daunting task, but carefully examining the points discussed above will help you make a better decision. Make sure that before looking at any solutions, you consult your entire HR team and ask them to carefully document their needs. This will help you get a good view on the “must haves” for the new system.


Further Reading

The features of Totara LMS for staff training, talent management and succession planning.


Free Consultation

Webanywhere are experienced in working with clients from small training organizations to international, household-name companies to find and implement the best talent management system for their needs. Please contact us to learn more and have an informal discussion about your requirements.