5 Ways to Make Compliance Training Easy and Engaging

Posted by: waadmin
Category: eLearning
5 Ways to Make Compliance Training Easy and Engaging

Nobody wants to be the one who brings the yawns, so here are 5 ways to make compliance training easy and engaging within your organization.

1. Start with your leaders

While it shouldn’t necessarily be the case, managers are often the ones with the most and / or the most conflicting demands placed on their time. If compliance training introduces procedural change, you need your managers to be leading by example to make sure it permeates.

You may not need to train leaders before other staff, but their work needs to demonstrate an understanding of that training, otherwise their teams may treat it less seriously.

2. Give learners choice

Everyone wants at least some control over what they do and when they do it. Courses that offer some optional and / or role-specific modules may help to give this to learners, and make the training seem less of a one-size-fits-all demand.

e-Learning is great for making compliance training more flexible, as it allows learners to follow a course on their own time and at their own pace.

3. Make learning social and collaborative

Having a course structured in a way that blends individual and group learning can make it much more engaging. Learners can benefit from each other’s insights and experiences, which can often help overcome any sticking points for individuals.

People who enjoy being part of a team may also learn well as part of a team.

In the case of e-learning, even remote learners can benefit from online discussion boards and social tools to interact with their peers.

4. Make it part of the culture

The well-researched and much discussed 70:20:10 model of learning suggests that 70% of learning comes from experience, rather than consciously learning. As so much learning at work is happening all the time, it doesn’t necessarily make sense to put learning in a box.

By making compliance training an ongoing process with the monitoring of it documented periodically, the exercise may be seen as another part of the job for your staff, rather than a hassle that gets thrown at them now and again.

5. Incentivize and reward progress

Structured compliance training can be incredibly important, especially in high consequence industries like Transport, the Life Sciences, Healthcare, Engineering / Manufacturing or Energy. By having incentives in place for successful course completion, buy-in from staff may be much easier.

However, to help motivate staff to do their best in ongoing training and development out of routine, it’s often important to reward effort and progress, as well as just success.

Being rewarded for making personal progress can be hugely motivational for employees and shows that you recognize their individual efforts, rather than seeing them as just a number on a spreadsheet.

Lazering in on the progress of individuals across a large workforce can be tricky though. Luckily, many LMS provide useful data and graphs to make individual progress stand out, enabling you to take a closer look, discuss and offer praise and reward – monetary or otherwise.

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