How To Use E-learning For Training Your Sales Teams

Posted by: waadmin
Category: eLearning
How To Use E-learning For Training Your Sales Teams

Use microlearning

People tend to learn better when they receive the learning materials in small modules. Microlearning helps to break training down into more manageable bite-sized chunks. Delivering training in small chunks can benefit sales teams in terms of providing a more flexible approach towards learning.

Encourage healthy competition

Introduce elements of gamification to encourage healthy competition between your sales teams. Usually sales teams are already engaged in some healthy rivalry with each other in terms of making most sales. Encouraging competition in training can help make learning more effective as it is expected to increase motivation and engagement.

Instant product training

It is important to ensure that salespeople receive sufficient product training in order to understand the product details, to stay up to date with changes made to products and to boost their confidence when selling. Constant travelling and sales calls involved in sales jobs make it really difficult to get the entire sales force in one room for training. Therefore, elearning provides a perfect solution for sales team training on the go. It also is very useful for training new employees about the products.

It is accessible and flexible

Salespeople are often on the go, therefore, they require training that would be flexible enough to meet their learning needs. With elearning, your sales teams can access learning materials at their own pace, anywhere they are based and at any time most convenient for them. What is more, learning materials can be made available on any device (laptop, tablet, mobile phone, wearable technologies) which gives sales teams even more flexibility.

Provide instant feedback

With LMS, you can review how your team is doing and to provide instant feedback to let them know what they are doing well and what things need more attention.

Webanywhere can help you find a perfect training solution for your sales team. Contact us and learn about our elearning products, including Totara LMS for business and our new knowledge management tool for sales – Promatum.

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