• Business Solutions
ucfb eLearning Case Study

Mobile Learning Management System

Webanywhere created a new learning management system (LMS) for UCFB. We will examine how the project helps with UCFB’s student outreach services and how it serves as the center of online communications for their learning community.


Burnley Football Club’s home stadium, known as Turf Moor, is home to one of the UK’s oldest soccer clubs, but also at the forefront of e-learning. It is home to UCFB which is the first college level institution that is dedicated to the soccer business. They provide a world class study program using world leading facilities.

As a world leader UCFB needed a training solution that was mobile device compatible, universally accessible and mobile friendly, to encourage 24/7 use.

UCFB’s new LMS needed to allow tasks to be assigned and submitted online via a course structure. The LMS will also be a repository of resources (including online library services supplied by Bucks New University), these resources would include documents, videos, quizzes and links to externally hosted content.

UCFB also wanted to use the LMS as a hub for information, so it can promote college events, keep learners and staff up to date on the latest news, and with the ability to provide contact information and information for students on support services. The system would also integrate with the learners’ library accounts, allowing them single sign on access to all critical resources.

The system also needed to fulfill social needs of the institution. Encouraging peer to peer communication and enhancing communication via course level courses and real time instant messaging.

Webanywhere customized an LMS with additional development to deliver a mobile optimized solution that covered the full functionality that UCFB required. UCFB’s transition into e-learning was made cost-effective, quick and easy due to the expertise of Webanywhere as they delivered a value for money solution. Webanywhere already had experience of the industry having previously developed an LMS for the Tottenham Hotspur FC foundation, the charitable arm of another soccer club.

The LMS was developed and installed within eight weeks, which ensured that UCFB were prepared for the induction of new students in September 2012.

UCFB benefit from the LMbeing an open source platform, there is no licensing which frees them to grow both on the national and international stage. Using Rackspace managed cloud hosting the LMS is highly scalable, enabling UCFB to scale up their platform without the concern of costly hardware replacements or redevelopment fees.

“My UCFB”, as the project is known, unlocks e-learning potential for their learners and staff via an online classroom format. Webanywhere are also partnered with UCFB to create video content which leads to a fully blended multimedia experience.

UCFB’s ambition is to extend the platform to support distributed learners, allowing them to fulfil their worldwide ambitions.

  • Allows distance learning – extending the international potential of UCFB
  • Allows learners and staff to access the system anywhere and at any time, allowing flexible working practices
  • Improved user experience across a range of mobile devices
  • No per-user licence fees ensures the solution is cost effective and scalable
  • Webanywhere external support expertise enables UCFB to utilize the system to it’s full potential


Webanywhere tailored services to meet our demanding requirements quickly and within budget. We are delighted with the outcome, as the convenient remote access available to our students, staff and partners is ideal.

Philip Wilson,
Provost and Chief Executive of UCFB