What Is Extended Enterprise Learning?

Posted by: waadmin
Category: eLearning
What Is Extended Enterprise Learning?

Extended Enterprise Learning, or EEL, is reshaping how businesses approach training and development. It’s more than just an internal program for employees; EEL reaches out to include everyone from suppliers and channel partners to customers and franchisees. EEL creates a more interconnected and informed business network by extending training beyond the traditional confines of the company.

EEL is becoming increasingly important in modern business’s fast-paced and competitive world. It’s not just about keeping your team up to speed; it’s about ensuring every player connected to your business is on the same page. This approach leads to stronger partnerships, better customer service, and a more agile response to market changes.

In this article, we will dive deep into Extended Enterprise Learning. We’ll examine what it is, why it’s gaining traction in the corporate world, and how it can be a game-changer for businesses. 

Understanding Extended Enterprise Learning

Extended Enterprise Learning is a new way of thinking about training in the business world. It goes beyond just teaching your employees and includes training for people outside your company, like suppliers, partners, and even customers. The idea is to ensure everyone involved in your business knows what they need to know, not just your internal team.

EEL differs from regular corporate training because it’s not just about your employees. Traditional training focuses on improving your team, but EEL looks at the bigger picture. It’s about ensuring everyone working with your company, even if they’re not employees, understands your products and how you do things. This helps everyone work together better.

Moving Training Beyond the Enterprise

We’re looking at a wide range of people when discussing who EEL is for. This could be the dealers who sell your products, the partners who help you in the market, the suppliers who provide you with materials, and the customers who buy your products. EEL ensures that everyone with a role in your business is informed and ready to do their best by teaching these groups.

One of the big benefits of teaching people outside your organization is that it helps your entire business run smoother. When your partners and suppliers understand your products and standards, they can do their jobs better, which in turn helps your business. It also means your customers understand your products better, which can make them happier and more loyal.

Strategic Importance of Extended Enterprise Learning

The importance of EEL in your business can’t be understated. It plays a big role in helping your business grow and make more money. When your external partners, like dealers and suppliers, know more about your products and how you want things done, they can better sell and represent your products. This can lead to more sales. Also, when your customers understand your products better, they’re more likely to return.

EEL is also essential for keeping everything consistent and of good quality. You make sure everyone is on the same page by training everybody. This helps keep your product quality high and reduces the chance of problems caused by misunderstandings or mistakes. In simple terms, Extended Enterprise Learning is more than just training; it’s about ensuring everyone connected to your business is well-informed and working together effectively.

Benefits of Extended Enterprise Learning

Extended Enterprise Learning is more than just a training program; it’s a game-changer for businesses looking to expand their reach and impact. Let’s dive into the key benefits it brings to the table.

Increased Revenue through EEL

First off, increased revenue is a big plus with EEL. Bringing external partners into your training fold, such as distributors, resellers, and even customers, gives them a deeper dive into what makes your products or services tick. This deeper understanding translates into better sales techniques and customer service, ultimately boosting sales. 

Another revenue-generating aspect of EEL is the concept of paid eLearning courses for clients. Offering these courses enhances your clients’ understanding of your products and creates a new revenue stream. Clients are willing to pay for valuable, insightful content that helps them in their business or usage of your products, making this a lucrative opportunity.

Cost Reduction and Efficiency

Extended Enterprise Learning can reduce costs and improve efficiency. With EEL, you’re spreading knowledge far and wide, which means fewer questions and problems coming back to you. Imagine your partners and clients knowing your products so well that they need less hand-holding. This scenario leads to fewer calls and emails asking for help, freeing up your team to focus on other essential tasks. When everyone’s on the same page, there’s less room for costly mistakes and misunderstandings. 

Ultimately, EEL streamlines your operations, making everything more efficient and cost-effective.

Creating an Agile Enterprise

Lastly, EEL contributes to creating a more agile enterprise. In today’s fast-paced business environment, quickly adapting is crucial. EEL keeps everyone in your network up to speed with the latest and greatest about your offerings. This widespread, up-to-date knowledge means that your entire network can pivot quickly when things change, like when you launch a new product or a market shift. 

EEL also simplifies onboarding new partners. They get up to speed faster, start contributing sooner, and help your business stay nimble and ahead of the curve.

Extended Enterprise Learning isn’t just about training; it’s about empowering your entire business ecosystem to be more knowledgeable, efficient, and adaptable. It’s an investment that pays dividends in numerous ways, from your bottom line to your operational agility.

Implementing Extended Enterprise Learning

Embarking on the Extended Enterprise Learning journey can significantly elevate your business’s training approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting it off the ground effectively.

Defining Goals and Target Audience

The starting point for EEL is defining your goals and identifying your target audience. It’s essential to understand clearly what you aim to achieve with your program. Are you focusing on enhancing product knowledge, improving sales techniques, or fostering better relationships with partners? Once your goals are set, pinpoint who your learners are. 

Different groups, such as customers and resellers, will have distinct learning requirements. Conducting thorough research is crucial to make your program resonate and be impactful. This involves examining your audience’s needs, challenges, and preferences, ensuring your program succeeds.

Setting Up an EE Learning Program

Moving on to setting up your EEL program, beginning with a pilot or trial can be incredibly beneficial. This lets you gather feedback and fine-tune your approach before a full-scale launch. Selecting the right Learning Management System is critical to delivering your training. Your LMS should be user-friendly, adaptable to various content types, and accessible to your external audience, such as Totara Learn. This platform will be the backbone of your program, facilitating the delivery, tracking, and management of your training materials.

Developing Effective eLearning Content

When it comes to developing your eLearning content, it’s all about engagement and relevance. Your content should directly address your goals and be tailored to your audience’s needs. Use interactive elements, relatable scenarios, and appealing visuals to engage learners. 

Marketing Your eLearning Program

Marketing your eLearning program is vital for its success. You need to communicate effectively with your target audience to encourage their participation. Leverage existing communication channels like email, social media, or company newsletters. Craft your messages to emphasize the program’s benefits and how it addresses your audience’s needs or challenges. A well-marketed program will attract participants and foster engagement and completion rates.

Extended Enterprise Learning 101

Extended Enterprise Learning has become crucial to online training and relationship management in today’s interconnected business world. It goes beyond traditional employee training, reaching out to partners, suppliers, and customers. Doing this enhances the skills and knowledge across your business network and strengthens your relationships with those who are integral to your business success. EEL ensures that everyone in your business ecosystem is aligned with your goals, strategies, and products, leading to better collaboration, efficiency, and mutual growth.

If you’re not already leveraging the power of Extended Enterprise Learning, now’s the time to start. Take advantage of the opportunity to expand your training reach and strengthen your business relationships. EEL is more than just a training model; it’s a pathway to a more informed, cohesive, and successful business network. Embrace it, and watch as it transforms your learning approach and your entire business dynamic.

Book a demo today and discover how Webanywhere’s custom Learning Management System can elevate your organization’s training to the next level.