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University-Corporate Learning Gap is Shrinking

Posted by: waadmin
Category: Industry insights
Corporate University

The world of work is changing rapidly. Advancements in technology, globalization, and the shift towards remote work are just a few of the factors that have contributed to the changing landscape. As a result, universities and corporates are rethinking the way they approach learning and training. The gap between university and corporate learning is shrinking, with universities increasingly looking to work more closely with corporates to prepare students for the workforce.

Cohort-based learning for completion rates

One of the ways universities are improving completion rates is through cohort-based learning. Cohort-based learning involves a group of students taking a course together and completing it at the same time. This method provides students with a sense of community, support, and accountability, which can help them stay on track and complete the course successfully.

Big area for engagement

Cohort-based learning is also a big area for engagement between universities and corporates. Universities can partner with corporates to provide cohort-based learning opportunities to their employees. This type of partnership can benefit both parties, with corporates gaining access to a pool of potential employees who have been trained specifically for their industry.

Accessing industry experts

Cohort-based learning can also help universities access industry experts. By partnering with corporates, universities can bring in guest speakers and instructors who have real-world experience in the industry. This can provide students with valuable insights into the industry they are interested in and help them better understand the practical applications of what they are learning.

Stackable credentials

Another way universities are bridging the gap between university and corporate learning is through stackable credentials. Stackable credentials are a series of smaller credentials that can be combined to form a larger credential, such as a degree. This approach allows students to earn credentials over a longer period of time and at their own pace, making it easier for them to balance work and study.

EY and Holt University in the UK

One example of this approach is the partnership between EY and Holt University in the UK. EY offers courses that provide credentials at the MBA level. Students can stack these credentials over a longer period of time to earn an MBA. This approach allows students to work and study at the same time, making it easier for them to balance their work and education.

Make the tech work

It is important to ensure that the technology being used is effective and user-friendly. This means investing in technology that is accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or technical ability. Additionally, proper training and support must be provided to ensure that students and employees can make the most of these tools.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are also increasingly being used to personalize learning and make it more effective. These technologies can analyze data on student and employee performance and provide personalized recommendations for improvement. This approach can help to ensure that each individual is able to learn at their own pace and in a way that suits their individual needs and learning style.

Technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and work, and universities and corporates must work together to ensure that they are making the most of these innovations. By using technology to provide personalized, effective learning experiences, we can bridge the gap between university and corporate learning and ensure that students and employees are prepared for the challenges of the modern workforce.

Life-long learning wallet

The idea behind a life-long learning wallet is to create a seamless and portable way for individuals to showcase their skills and credentials. It also helps to address the issue of skills gaps in the workforce by allowing individuals to continually add to their learning and training achievements over time. This could be particularly beneficial for those who are changing careers or returning to the workforce after a hiatus.

Moreover, life-long learning wallets have the potential to disrupt traditional hiring processes by shifting the focus from formal education to skills and knowledge acquired through other means. Employers can access an individual’s learning wallet and assess their skills and competencies, rather than relying solely on a degree or certification. This could lead to more inclusive hiring practices, as individuals from diverse backgrounds who have gained skills through non-traditional means would have the opportunity to demonstrate their value to potential employers.

The life-long learning wallet is a promising concept that could revolutionize the way we think about education and employment. By enabling individuals to continuously learn and showcase their skills throughout their careers, it has the potential to bridge the gap between university and corporate learning, and help create a more equitable and inclusive workforce.

Preparing students for the world of remote work

One of the ways universities are preparing students for remote work is by incorporating remote work skills into their curriculum. For example, they may offer courses on remote communication and collaboration, time management, and digital tools that are commonly used in remote work environments. By including these skills in their curriculum, universities are ensuring that their graduates are equipped to work effectively in remote environments.

Another way universities are preparing students for remote work is by partnering with corporates to offer internships and work experience opportunities in remote settings. This allows students to gain hands-on experience and develop the skills necessary to work effectively in a remote environment. Such partnerships also provide students with exposure to the latest remote work technologies, trends and challenges.

Overall, preparing students for remote work is crucial to their success in the modern workplace. Universities and corporates play an important role in ensuring that students have the necessary skills and experience to work effectively in a remote environment. With the continued growth of remote work, it is essential that students are well-equipped to navigate this new work environment and succeed in their careers.

Rural workers working from home

This is particularly important for rural workers who may not have easy access to traditional workplaces. Remote work provides these workers with the opportunity to work from home and access jobs that were previously out of reach. By providing training and education on remote work, universities and corporates can help these workers be successful in their new roles.

In conclusion, the gap between university and corporate learning is slowly diminishing, as universities recognize the importance of providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the workforce. By collaborating with corporates, universities can access industry experts and gain insights into current industry trends and demands. This can help ensure that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for, improving their job prospects upon graduation.

Cohort-based learning is one way in which universities are working to improve completion rates and student engagement. By providing students with a supportive community of peers and mentors, universities can increase motivation and accountability, leading to higher completion rates. Additionally, stackable credentials provide students with a flexible and adaptable approach to education. Students can earn smaller credentials over time, gradually building towards a larger degree, while also balancing work and other commitments.

Overall, the collaboration between universities and corporates is leading to a more integrated and holistic approach to education. By working together, universities and corporates can ensure that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the workforce, while also providing them with the flexibility and support they need to balance work and study. As the demand for skilled workers continues to grow, this collaborative approach to education will become increasingly important in bridging the gap between university and corporate learning.