Corporate Learning Trends for 2015

Posted by: waadmin
Category: eLearning
Corporate Learning Trends for 2015

This significant growth can be attributed to the fact that more and more organizations have become aware of the many benefits eLearning has over other types of learning. These include lower costs, higher efficiency and better effectiveness of learning.

Using eLearning, organizations no longer have to send employees to expensive training and conferences that involve travel, accommodation and food expenses. Instead, learning can now be performed anywhere, anytime from an internet connected device.

With eLearning expected to boom during the next few years, let’s have a look at what the most important corporate elearning trends for 2015 (aka The Future) are.

Learning Departments Will Evolve into Profit Centers

Many corporations are looking at (or in the process of) transforming their learning departments from cost centers into profit centers. One way of doing this is by accurately measuring the ROI of eLearning to show the positive impact of learning on the organization’s revenue.

Another trend in corporate learning departments is offering learning services outside of the organization and producing actual revenue that way. With the increasing popularity of paid MOOCs that actually provide certification, there is an opportunity for learning departments to generate revenue from offering their training to current clients, other organizations and even competitors.

Co-Branded MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses)

There are already numerous cooperations between organizations and MOOC providers, and it looks like this trend will continue into 2015. For example, the “nano degrees” that Udacity has recently started offering are co-created with AT&T, Google, GitHub and HackReactor.

More and more organizations will start working together with MOOCs in an attempt to attract talent from outside traditional higher education.

The Expansion of Gamification

Not only will gamification be widely used to improve learning in 2015, but it will also become a valuable tool in product development and problem solving. Not only will the entire organization be involved in working out problems that would otherwise be assigned to developers, engineers and scientists, but also clients and anyone with an interest in solving complex problems. Foldit showed the power of gamification when a complex scientific problem that scientists had been working on for more than ten years was solved in 3 weeks by gamers.

Minimum Viable Courses (MVC)

While in the past, organizations wouldn’t use a training until it was completely finished, the trend now is to create MVCs and improve and add upon these courses when new modules become available. This will allow organizations to start the learning process sooner, which can give them a competitive advantage over competitors that stick to more traditional learning practices.

Adaptive Learning

eLearning will become more personalized – tailored to a learner’s current proficiency, preferred style of learning and interests. This adaptive learning will be more effective because individuals will be able to learn in a way that suits them best.

These are just a few of the many exciting new trends that 2015 will bring for eLearning. Make sure you stay on top of eLearning trends if you want your learning department to stay ahead of the curve.


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Webanywhere Workplace Learning solutions for corporates, governments and not for profits.