HomeeLearning BlogFuture learningHow to get your employees excited about using an LMS

How to get your employees excited about using an LMS

Posted by: Sean Gilligan
Category: Future learning, Industry insights, Learning technology integration, LMS Solutions

People are often naturally opposed to change and new ideas until they get used to them. Implementing a new learning management system in the workplace is no different. However, if you present your learning management system in the right way, you can expect high levels of excitement and engagement from your learners.

Here are some ideas for getting your employees excited about using an LMS from the beginning.

Highlight the benefits

Concentrate on highlighting the benefits of using an LMS, including its flexibility and accessibility. Your learners should be happy to hear that they will be able to access the learning materials at their own pace instead of attending time-consuming traditional training sessions. Get them excited about improving their skills and mastering new tasks.

Make it responsive

Modern learners expect their learning materials to be accessible on any device. Having an LMS that only operates on a computer might discourage people from using it and engaging in learning at their own time. Do not forget that mobile learning is one of the biggest trends when talking about elearning!

Provide personalised learning experience

Considering individual learning needs and providing your employees with personalised learning materials might be another great tool for increasing an excitement about using an LMS. Personalised training can make employees feel more appreciated because their personal skills and career goals have been considered. Not to mention that personalised learning is also expected to close the gaps in their skill sets and to improve knowledge retention.

Market your LMS

Think about different ways to ‘sell’ an LMS to your employees. For instance, you might consider doing a presentation, creating a video or sending out an email to let everyone know about it. If you have an internal marketing team, speak to them about how your LMS could be promoted and communicated with the rest of your employees. Keep promoting your LMS to reinforce your employees to visit it regularly.

Reward your employees

This is one of the most effective ways to make your learners excited about using an LMS. Rewarding your employees for completing a course might be the thing that engages them into starting the course and into staying motivated throughout it. A great way to reward your employees is gamification. For instance, you can gamify your LMS with levels that learners can go through as they finish a task.

If your company is getting a new LMS, start promoting it to your employees few months before the launch and keep promoting it regularly to make sure everyone is engaged with it. You can also use the tips discussed above to update and improve your existing LMS.