Edtech Wish List Top Five

Posted by: waadmin
Category: eLearning
Edtech Wish List Top Five

It’s that time of year when people write lists of gifts they hope to receive. The reality is that so often we end up with items that don’t suit us or are totally inappropriate. The same can be said for Learning & Development managers who get saddled with outmoded LMS platforms and boring elearning modules, when what they need is edtech that’s current and fit-for-purpose. So what should your organization be buying to future-proof your L&D?


  1. Open source learning management system

Why open source? As there are no per-user licence fees, it tends to be more cost-effective. It also means there are thousands of developers worldwide working on keeping it up-to-date and bug free. The use of plugins means that open source LMS is scalable and flexible, so it will adapt to your organization’s needs. Open source doesn’t mean one-size-fits-all; a Totara partner can customize the look and functionality to fit you like a glove.


  1. Learning on the go

A cell phone app that allows training to continue 24/7 is today’s must-have for mlearning. The most cutting-edge apps are those where users can access files and complete learning modules – even when offline. This means no matter how far ‘off the grid’ an employee is, they can still continue training.

cell phone apps for learning on the go by Webanywhere


  1. Knowledge sharing / social sharing

In today’s go-go culture, your employees need access to fast learning. As younger, less experienced people replace retirees, they need a knowledge repository where it’s easy to find a specific topic to fill the gap in their skillset. Video content should be taggable, so it can be visited, revisited and shared as necessary.

Promatum knowledge sharing knowledge repository

  1. Engaging Content

Converting conventional materials to digital is not enough. Truly engaging content is based on visual learning and contains interactive elements like quizzes. Real-life scenario videos involving your team make learning absolutely relevant. Gamification mechanics such as badges and locked levels inspire learners to push on and beat the leaderboards. Social learning promotes friendly competition between colleagues.


  1. Training

To utilize the full potential of the latest edtech software requires top-level training from experienced experts. Whether it’s learning all the roles and functions of an LMS like Totara Learn or becoming familiar with Articulate Studio for instructional design, training is the backbone of an effective L&D program.


Organizations may feel upgrading their edtech is an unnecessary expense, however truly effective training should realize a great ROI through increased productivity and engagement, as well as reduced staff turnover.

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